
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

MiMi Grows!

Two month check up today for MiMi. She's 13 pounds! We went ahead and bought size 3 diapers last night, figuring that by the time this box is over she'll be close enough to 16 pounds.

Wow, we sure can grow babies around here :) I'll have to get out Ernie's charts and see what she was.

On another note, Wonder Daddy's co-worker asked today if I make necklaces- he and his fiance want custom jewelry for their August wedding. Wouldn't that be a blast, to make necklaces and earrings for such a beautiful occasion? We'll see if it pans out, but I think it would be so much fun.

There will be a shop update tomorrow, as well as a completed stitching project (fingers crossed.) The danger of tracing my stitch patterns in disappearing ink disappears! So it's gotta be finished tomorrow or bust.

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