
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope everyone had a great day.

It was so nice to have a "family morning"- we had a good breakfast together, and Daddy sent Ernie and I out on a long walk while Mimi slept.

Dinner was at my aunt's house- it's always fun to get together with my aunt and uncle's family. Dinner was at 2, and we didn't come home until 8.

Reading everyone else's posts today, I realized that not everyone does dinner like we do- it's POTLUCK all the way.

My dad takes care of the bird (because they have an electric roaster oven!) and the cranberry sauce (because it's fantastic), and Mom takes care of the pies (because she's a fantastic Costco shopper- their pumpkin pie is the BEST :o)

My aunt does Jell-O (because my uncle loves it), green bean casserole (because this might be the only thing her daughter eats), and green salad.

My cousin does the rolls.

My grandpa does the gravy, because he has a whisk, magic flour, and mad gravy skillz.

I was in charge of mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes this year. Unfortunately for us all, I bought heavy cream at Costco. Oh dear. Do you know what happens when you mash red potatoes and garlic cloves, and then gently stir in rosemary-infused cream? And butter? It's amazing, that's what it is. And we're going to spend a long time repenting!

Head over to the Chow Review for the recipes!

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