Installing laminate flooring makes him feel...buff.

Ernie was really conflicted about this sparkler. Should I be shy? Should I grin? I'm so HAAAPPY! What do I DO??

She warmed up to the sparkler. A bit.

Mimi was a little more sure of herself.

But not much.

We lit the pull string on a confetti popper. Repeatedly.
Here's yer sign.

The neighbor boys were INSANE. Please tell me I will never let my boy run through the street in a pack of boys, playing kick the smoke bomb. The LIT smoke bomb. I mean, it's hot, right?

You can't really see it, but he's howling. Mad as a dog. He rolled over, and he's FURIOUS about it!

Ah. Mimi learned to use scissors. She spent two days cutting fringe into our scrap paper.

Fun family pictures-
Princess for the longest time cut everything into confetti. It was kind of hilarious.
Love, LOVE the family photos.
And yeah, I tot agree. Boys can be insane!! I often wondered how they manage to grow up with all digits still attached. :)
Ash cuts fringe too. I have no idea why. As long as it isn't her hair (which she did once) and her auntie's shirt (which she tried to do twice). Mimi is looking older all of a sudden. Love the sparkler pics. Too cute!
Great updates! I love the first shot of MiMi and dad...
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