
Friday, March 4, 2011

Lunch Now and Later


Lunch today.  You want this.  At least Ernie was excited!  (It's hummus.  Please ignore my lack of food styling finesse.)  I'm pretty sure if you pair up corn chips with bean hummus, it's a healthy lunch.  There was milk involved, too.

back patio

This concrete is where a hot tub used to be.  Now it has three garbage cans of mulched leaves, and a whole lotta dismantled retaining wall.  Wait till you see what we have planned!!

sprouted cole crops

Cole crops!  They're sprouted!  In fact, everything but the brussels sprouts have sprouted...I don't know why I'm surprised, since those same seeds never sprouted last year either....durrr.  The kids are pretty excited to see these little green things, and I'm really hoping that means some cruciferous vegetables will be eaten in a few months.  Yum.

Mr. Baby Face has been a bad napper this week, and we've had insane and hail when he HAS slept....but by golly, I WILL get my peas and spinach planted soon!  I've been watching Spring start to happen around here- most of my bulbs are sending up shoots, the azaleas and rhodies are budding out, and so are the raspberries and (new!!) blueberries.  The birds are coming back- robins, blue jays, crows, and finches.  No starlings yet, though.  All their spring songs are so different, Ernie keeps asking me what the noises that she hears are!  The squirrels are still running around, but that's no big surprise, they've used our deck stairs and railing as a highway all winter.  The railing is actually a launching/landing pad for them, because the highway runs across the deck you see above, up the stair railing, onto the upper deck railing, and then they LEAP into the cedar tree that's nearby.  (Then down the trunk, and onto the fence, and off to who knows where.)  We're going to trim that cedar tree soon, it's practically growing onto the deck.  And boy does my husband want  a camera running when the first squirrel leaps off the deck to the tree branch that used to be there.  


Unknown said...

I would eat that for dinner! I've been trying to figure out what to make and nothing sounds good. That looks good though!

And isn't spring exciting?

Teresa said...

Your little guy is sure growing... =) sounds like you are super busy getting your garden ready....I'm so behind on that. Not a big fan of hummus....I think its the texture =)
can't wait to see what you do with that corner

Samantha said...

What a cutie! Yay on the sprouts! Once again, your food photos are stunning. I wish you could offer a class! :)

So, what did that hot tub ever do to you? ;)

What I Did Today said...

Lol @ that poor squirrel! Baby Face is so cute. I'm going to go out and plant spinach and arugula today while there is a break in the rain. Hope you get out there too! :)

Elizabeth said...

Well, we are under a foot of snow, but I believe it will be melted by week's end. It should be in the 50's then. I haven't yet begun my seeds. Need to get started!

You are such an Amazon woman. I admire your work etchic so much!

As for hummus, I hope it's healthy because we eat it a lot, too. It's chick peas, so that should be protein as well as iron...I have gone relatively meatless after I read one of your posts. We eat some meat now and then, but we are very plant based. I still make pepperoni pizza on Saturday nights, a family favorite, but I try to eat so much less than we were eating.

Love your litte boy. Boys are really fun, Myrnie. There is a really special bond that develops between mothers and their boys that is different that mother/daughter. It's hard to explain, but it is a keeper! :)

Su said...

ohhhh! Every year I see your garden starting and look out my kitchen window to see a foot of snow.

Baby is cuteeeee!! :)