
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This Week

No pictures today, but I wanted to pop in and say hi!

I just picked up a box of peaches ($10!!), so tomorrow night I'll be canning peaches. It's time to can tomatillo salsa again, and I have a shopping bag of over-ripe apples that need to be made into apple sauce or apple butter. Good thing I picked up an extra two boxes of canning jars :)

Both girls have chest colds- Ernie was shocked today when she lost her voice to a deep frog in her throat. "Mommy, my voice is gone!" she whispered. "Where did it go?" She thought about that for a minute before replying "I think it went to another house."

I'm in the middle of making hand puppets for our Joy School class- I can't believe we start up next week! Where did September go? Unfortunately, I'm not sure I can live with the pattern the school curriculum provided- I have incredibly weeny hands, and my span is a little too wide for these puppets. Should be easy to fix, but still: one more thing in this crazy week. If it was something I could do during the day that would be different, but it seems that if I really want to focus on something it needs to be a night activity. And we're running out of nights! :)

Saturday the girls and I will be driving down to say Happy Birthday to my grandpa in Oregon (and we have a playdate set up with some very cool girls) so it should be a great day.

I made myself a simple skirt that I haven't shown you guys yet, and had an epic fail of a shirt re-make which I don't know if I'll ever show you!

So now, I will say Good Night :)


LunaMoonbeam said...

I, for one, can't wait to see the Shirt Fail. ;-)

Have Ernie call me today - I want to hear the froggie!!

Teresa said...

Oh the life of a sweet busy Mother-
Hope you slept well-
Enjoy your time with your grandpa

Samantha said... butter. Will you post a recipe?

the Provident Woman said...

I just got a whole bunch of peaches too. I skinned, sliced and mixed with fruit fresh and sugar and froze them. I've never tried to can them before.

Christine said...

Good night and good luck getting everything done, especially with sick kiddos!

Alexandra said...

We all have colds here as well. Feel better and have a nice trip down to Oregon!

a Tonggu Momma said...

I hope everyone is feeling better by now!

Elizabeth said...

Oh, I am living vicariously about your veggies and fruits that you are putting up this year. I will be doing that again next year, but we are kind of getting ready to try and move if, hopefully, hopefully, the funding comes through for this job and my husband can move us...Fingers crossed!

I love the story about your daughter and her voice that went visiting another house.

God bless, Myrnie!